2024 Black Friday Strategy for Reddit: Pleasure Products

Black Friday is a significant event that requires meticulous planning starting from the beginning of the year (yes, you heard that right!). At NomiWave, we start planning for Black Friday right after the previous one ends. We analyze the results from the previous campaign, optimize our strategies, and track our content performance throughout the year to identify the best tools for the grand event. I always say that Black Friday is literally the time when marketers move into their office space for a month and don’t come out until December. You’ll find us in a tent next to our desks starting Nov 1st.

Letting jokes aside, preparation is really everything!

Black Friday is known to be the prime opportunity for businesses to attract all sorts of customers, and this applies to the pleasure products industry as well. If you’ve picked Reddit to be one of the platforms you would like to utilize this Black Friday, then continue reading.

Keep in Mind:

Given the sensitive nature of pleasure products and the rules of Reddit, your strategy needs to be tailored to the industry, brand, and type of products/toys promoted. Reddit consists of many niches and sub-niches, each with its own guidelines and community norms.

Grasp Reddit’s Terrain

Reddit does not like promotions. Always be transparent about your intentions, and always follow the rules. Yes, other users will flag you and will get you banned from the specific subreddit in a matter of minutes.

Dive deep into the subreddits relevant to your products. Observe the community interactions, understand their language, and respect their norms. Authenticity and transparency are key.

Organize Your Content

Craft content that provides value rather than just promoting your products. Create informative posts, share user experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations. High-quality images, detailed descriptions, and genuine testimonials can make a significant impact. Plan your content calendar well in advance to ensure a steady stream of engaging posts leading up to Black Friday.

Engage (NO Spamming!)

No one likes a brand that engages in over-promoting themselves. It looks desperate and greedy. Instead, focus on building relationships with the community. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and show genuine interest in the community’s needs and concerns. Subtlety and sincerity will win more hearts (and wallets) than aggressive self-promotion.

Constantly Monitor & Optimize

Keep a close eye on your posts and their performance. Use Reddit’s analytics tools to track engagement, feedback, and any issues that arise. Be ready to adapt your strategy based on what’s working and what isn’t. Flexibility and responsiveness are crucial in the fast-paced world of Reddit.

It’s the End. What Are the Learnings?

After the dust of Black Friday settles, it’s time to analyze the outcomes. What worked well? What didn’t? Gather data, review your KPIs, and seek feedback from the community. This post-mortem analysis will be invaluable for planning future campaigns. Learn from your successes and mistakes to refine your approach for the next big event. Next step? REPEAT.

You feel like this is too much for you? Let us do the heavy lifting this Black Friday.


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