Thriving on Social Media: A Guide for Adult Brands

In today’s digital age, social media is a game-changer for businesses of all kinds, including adult brands. But we get it—navigating social media as an 18+ brand can be a bit tricky, yet full of exciting opportunities! This guide is here to dive into the best practices and strategies for adult brands to shine on mainstream social media platforms, while also giving you a sneak peek behind the scenes of platforms like Reddit.

Let’s get started:

The Power of Reddit Community

If you work in the adult industry and you’re not on Reddit yet, what are you waiting for? Reddit is a goldmine of niche communities, making it an ideal platform for adult brands to engage with their target audience.

Case Study: Kiiroo

Brands like Kiiroo have successfully leveraged Reddit to build strong community ties and foster engagement. By participating in relevant subreddits, Kiiroo has been able to create a loyal following and receive valuable feedback from users. The key to their success? Understanding the power of community and providing genuine, valuable interactions. Kiiroo has been consistent with their Reddit activity, ensuring they act as a bridge between the brand and the customer. They often resolve customer issues or answer their questions directly. The moderators assist the community in making informed purchasing decisions, frequently redirecting users to products better suited to their needs.

Tips for Using Reddit:

• Participate in discussions, answer questions, and offer value without overtly pushing your products. Reddit is about being transparent, real and users won’t be afraid to call you out.

• Find subreddits that align with your brand and join the conversation. There are many forums available for the adult industry, and you are always welcome to create your own as well.

• Look into hosting an AMA. It’s a tool we use often to boost visibility. Check out some of the AMA’s we helped with: Kiiroo, Tanya Tate.

Instagram: Balancing Connection and Compliance

Instagram can be a valuable platform for adult brands and performers, but it requires a strategic approach to avoid content restrictions and account suspensions.

For Performers:

  • Use Instagram to connect with your fans by sharing glimpses of your daily life and behind-the-scenes content.

  • Reserve more explicit content for other social media platforms that are more lenient (X, Reddit, Discord).

For Adult Brands:

  • Post images of products that are tastefully presented and ensure they don’t look too much like the real thing.

  • Share informative posts that engage and educate your audience. High engagement often comes from content that offers value beyond
    product promotion.

Rethinking Your Social Media Strategy

For adult brands, traditional social media strategies need a makeover to handle platform restrictions and audience sensitivities. So, basically, forget everything you know about social media—especially if you come from a non-adult environment—before diving into this world!

New Strategies to Consider:

• Use a mix of educational, entertaining, and promotional content.

• Customize your approach for each platform. What works on Reddit might not be suitable for Instagram, and vice versa.

• Focus on building relationships and community rather than direct sales.

How do we deal with platform restrictions?

Yes, we know. Many of you have tried navigating Instagram only to have accounts closed within minutes. Some platforms are more accepting than others. Here’s what we do to help adult brands maintain healthy social media accounts (and avoid getting shadowbanned or removed):

• Regularly check platform policies to stay compliant! Be careful not to cross that fine line.

• Choose X, Reddit, and Discord for promoting your spicy content. Avoid Meta platforms, as they are likely to close such accounts quickly.

Want to Boost Your Social Media Presence?

If you’re ready to take your adult brand’s social media game to the next level, we’re here to help. NomiWave knows the ins and outs of the adult industry and can give you the strategies you need to succeed. Let’s chat!


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